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Getting Started with Foundation


应用ing is simple! 点击这里 to view the process, admission criteria and required documents.

Non-Discriminatory Policy

Foundation Academy will admit students of any race, color, 国籍, and ethnicity to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及学校通常给予或提供给学生的活动. We will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, 或宗教背景在我们的教育和录取政策的管理, financial assistance, 俱乐部, 体育运动, or other 项目.

Foundation Academy Tuition & 费用

投资私立学校是一项重大决定,需要仔细的财务规划. As you’ll find through our process, 我们的家庭发现他们的孩子在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场接受教育的巨大价值,以及我们与家长和教会合作共同建立的基础. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的Tuition支付给我们的Tuition管理公司, 事实. 每个家庭都有一个账单账户,可以选择他们喜欢的付款方式(每月), 季度, 或每年).

Below are the current tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year.

奖学金 & 项目

Florida State Scholarship Information

State Scholarship Options

To help make a Kingdom Education more affordable to families, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场(FA)很高兴接受佛罗里达州学校选择奖学金中的两项.

  1. 佛罗里达税收抵免奖学金(FTC)和家庭赋权教育选择奖学金(FES-EO)
  2. 有特殊能力学生家庭赋权奖学金

You can find out more about these two scholarships on the Step Up website. You will see other 项目, but FA only accepts the two listed.

**请注意,Step Up有许多不同的奖学金项目,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场目前只接受FTC(基于收入)选项.

State Scholarship Important Information

  1. The two 项目 offer different funding amounts. 美国联邦贸易委员会2023-2024学年的平均Tuition略高于7000美元,因年级而异. The UA is typically more, but due to the nature of the scholarship, 请与学校确认FA是否能够满足学生的需求. 家庭负责支付总Tuition和杂费减去Step Up涵盖的部分的差额. This can be paid monthly, 季度 or annually.
  2. As a courtesy to Step Up recipients, AF在收到资金之前扣除Tuition余额的估计资助金额. Step Up每季度提供估计资金(9月、11月、2月和4月).
  3. Awarded by Step Up does not mean funded. Funding comes from Step Up 季度. 如果由于任何原因,Step Up无法为您的孩子提供资金,未资助的金额将重新申请到您的事实账户汇款.
  4. Step Up将允许家长为他们的孩子申请多个奖学金, step up will even award multiple scholarships to one child, 但东南财经大学只允许家长使用其中一项奖学金的资金.
  5. UA考虑家长的私人支付,这意味着私立学校不必管理这些奖学金资金. 家长向学校付款,然后向Step UP UA提交他们的事实付款接受者以获得报销. 英足总很乐意帮助那些有UA的学生管理奖学金,奖学金将直接存入英足总, 然而, FA保留要求家长留在学校的权利,并管理孩子的UA报销.
  6. f you provide FA, the Step Up student award ID for your child under FTC/FES-EO, then decide to switch over to UA, FA will not manage the UA funding. 从您的事实帐户中扣除的估计Step UP FTCC/FES-EO资金将被重新申请,您将支付FA的Tuition/费用,并由Step UP报销.
  7. If divorced parents split the tuition billing and their child has Step Up, FA将从全额Tuition中扣除预估的Step UP资金,然后将Tuition平均分配到每位家长的事实账户中.
  8. Each parent can 应用 for Step Up for that child, but Step Up will only allow one funding to be applied to that student, 因此, 任何升学奖学金都适用于全额Tuition,然后再进行分摊.
  9. FA does not acept scholarships managed by the AAA organization.

应用 / Renew

应用 for a scholarship (you can 应用 for both but can only use one) 应用.stepupforstudents.org. We recommend doing as soon as they open for the new school year.

Share Approval

一旦你的孩子被FA录取,并且你已经完成了所有的入学要求, send a screenshot of the award notification with the student award ID to finance@foundationacademy.网.

Parent Approval

After FA completes the registration in Step Up, 在对事实帐户进行任何Tuition调整之前,家长必须按照步骤批准FA的存款.

根据《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》,被父母安置在私立学校的残疾学生没有接受部分或全部特殊教育和相关服务的个人权利,而在公立学校就读的学生则可以接受这些特殊教育和相关服务。, 修订的.

Tuition Assistance 常见问题

For students in grades K – 12 whose families demonstrate a financial need, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的Tuition援助是通过我们的第三方供应商提供的, 事实. 我们努力让那些重视优秀基督教教育和其他课程的人能够进入我们的学校, 然而, as a member of the FHSAA, Foundation Academy is not permitted to offer scholarships for merit, 体育, or other areas.

Q: Do I need to fill out an application for tuition assistance?

A: Yes, through our third party vendor 事实. 请记住,入学申请应该与经济援助申请同时完成, 作为学生将不会获得资助,除非他们被FA录取.

Q: What income information is needed?

A: 父母双方的收入信息都是必需的,即使他们住在不同的家庭.

Q: What happens after I submit my application?

A: 财政援助委员会将审查事实的援助建议,并根据证明的需求和可用的财政援助资金做出最终的奖励决定.

Q: When can I 应用 for tuition assistance?

A: Aid applications open on January 1st each year. 家庭应在提交入学申请时申请助学金. During the summer months, 请与财务办公室或招生办公室检查Tuition援助资金的可用性.

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澳门威尼斯人网上赌场有三个令人难以置信的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场探索,都围绕着优质的基督教教育. Schedule a tour today to get started.

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